Day 1 was a tough old day for us & we were plagued by murky water for much of the day and ended up 49 miles out just to get into some nice water. We managed to catch 2 Tuna & missed a Sailfish. A tough day in fishing terms but thankfully the weather & company was nice, you cannot win them all.
Despite more dirty water on day 2, thankfully the fishing turned out better and we caught 1 Wahoo to win the Longest Wahoo of the tournament (41”), 9 Tuna and 3 Tuna Mackerel. Seen some real big Tuna on this day but no luck on the big ones.
Huge Congrats to Gamefisher II gushing out of Flamingo who caught 9 Blue Marlin on the first day of the tournament, amazing stuff which comfortably secured them the overall win. Great to see some Quepos boats in the frame, with Pacific Fly taking 2nd place with 17 Sailfish on day 2, Chloe Frijole winning the Roosterfish division and Scott & Alix Kozak taking the top Men’s & Lady Angler spots respectively.
This was a great virtual tournament format fished by 21 boats from around the entire Pacific coast of Costa Rica, with all scoring managed on CaptApp which was a success and a first for us, great fun to fish against your buddies from around the country.
We would love to hear from you,
if you would like to go fishing!