We have had a great first 2 days with Michael & Robin who are fishing in Costa Rica aboard GOOD DAY for 4 days this week.
Some nice Dorado & Tuna have been landed but the story of the week so far was an
est. 300lb Blue Marlin that Michael fought for 1 hour 42 minutes before the leader popped after chafing on the Marlin’s Bill. What an epic fight & Mike was super unlucky to lose it so close to getting the release. We got some great views of the fish up close as it jumped just 30 feet from the boat and it without a doubt provided THE BEST teaser bite we have seen for some time, literally unwilling to leave the teaser following it right to the boat before finally eating the Bonito pitch bait that we offered it just feet from the transom.
Day 1 - 6 Dorados
Day 2 - 7 Tuna, lost an est. 300lb Blue Marlin
Wish us luck for the final couple of days!